Tuesday, May 30
YAY. new blog skin. lovin it.
drummer princess departed21:23
Saturday, May 6
o gosh! its been so super long since i last blogged. the last time when i wanted to blog, halfway through my com hang... i had a really really long update on the most juicy stuff... but cant remember now. you know... short term memory sinking in as usual.. so when the com resume.. i seriously cant remember a thing i was mentioning. so i decided to wait and the day has finally come! hahahaPRE-ADVENTURE CAMP is coming! whee~~! im so excited. i'll be like at pulau ubin when people are celebrating vesak day and mugging for the next week's test. really man. i cant wait for adv camp too.
anyway. just went for SAJC band concert last night. super super nice! wanling the cute little thing. should have seen her skipping around in the little costume. though it was a band concert, they had lots of little surprises in between and yingjia was trying so desperately to blow her bubbles which doesnt come out! hahhah. i kept laughing at her. oh and priscilla scandalous! haha i shall reveal nothing! (: dorothy! we'll keep it for her lah. the hottest babe mah. haha. it was so great to see everyone again... i missed zhiqi and wanling! oh oh and zhiqi's tambourine skills are wicked! not bad ah your roll. wanling's crash and bass drum also not so bad. zhiqi!! snare's improving eh! aiya. really really proud of you guys and i wanna be part of you too :/ oh wells. the tinge of sadness scraping up my heart.. oh it was wonderful to see jade, peiyan, weiling and meiling again... though i was too busy to say hi to meiling and weiling. hahah. couldnt get the chance to. ): saw lots of others too. just that i had to rush off so i didnt say hello to anyone. just felt that yestarday was really precious and really hope to be able to meet up with my dear ones soon.BING BANG BOOM-going for election for taekwondo. wish me luck and favor with God and man (:HAPPY BIRTHDAY PASTOR PRINCE [incaseidontblogonyourbirthday(:]
drummer princess departed08:52